Sunday, November 16, 2008

Billions on Trillions on Billions

It is absolutely amazing at how many companies are lining up to get bailout money.  Forbes columnist Robert Lenzner has an article on this, click here to read it   Below is a summation.  Would you invest in failing companies?   No?  Guess what?  As a US taxpayer, you are!
  • AIG initially wanted $85 Billion, it is up to $150 Billion and climbing*.
  • Detroit Auto companies already got $25 Billion.  Now they want $50 Billion.
  • General Electric got a $139 Billion guarantee (I thought they were blue chip?).
  • Fannie and Freddie say they need more than the $200 Billion they already have, perhaps a lot more.
  • Banks (Paulson won’t say who) have gotten $2 Trillion in emergency loans.
  • The BEST USA banks (JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Citigroup) may need $350 Billion
  • Insurance companies like Hartford are buying small banks so they can qualify for bailout money, unknown billions here.
  • States and cities will be lining up next at the Treasuries bailout window, more unknown billions.
  • Read this weeks coming news to see who is next.

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