Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama's Dilemma

Well, we have elected Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. The Obama administration promises lots of change. Since we are going into recession, Americans are ready for change. Question is what and how?  Probably, another stimulus package will be forthcoming.
Mr Obama promises tax breaks for all but the upper 5% of Americans, who would pay higher taxes. Tax increases in recessionary times have been shown to make the economy worse not better.
I once read how a laborer said he liked rich people.  When asked why, he responded that rich men gave him jobs but poor men never did.   This might be something the democratic legislature might wish to ponder. Of course, I guess we could all work for the government.
I must admit that the Republicans richly deserve their losses. Corporate scandals, golden parachutes for executives of failing companies, failed regulation of exotic financial instruments, have all left a bad taste in voters mouths.
I don’t envy Obama, he has inherited a mess! Maybe he will provide the leadership to resolve things. Lets just hope the cure is not worse than the disease

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