Monday, February 14, 2011

Housing's 50% Off Sale -- Time to Buy the Home Builders?

Commodities are shooting up -- 20% or more -- in just the last 3 months. The most common explanation? Accelerating inflationary expectations. No sign of this in the U.S. housing market though. That market drags along near multi-year lows. Indeed, the one asset the Fed wants to inflate, housing, shows few signs of revival.
But, is the housing market now bottoming? Well, maybe. After falling over 50% the last 3 years Zillow says my central Florida house has actually increased in value two months running now. Nothing to get too excited about -- total increase is less than 3%. Nonetheless, it is welcome news.
Why It Is So Hard to Reflate the Housing Market   . . .  Read the Full Article Here

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